
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Krohn Hite TM-9
The Models 3200 and 3202, illustrated in Figure 1, are solid state variable electronic Filters with cutoff frequencies
continuously adjustable over the frequency range from 20 Hz to 2 MHz. The pass-band gain is unity (0 db), with an
attenuation rate of 24 db per octave outside the pass-band. Maximum attenuation is greater than 80 db and the output
hum and noise is less than 100 microvolts.
The Model 3200 can function as either a High-Pass or Low-Pass Filter. In the High-Pass mode of operation the maximum
input signal is 3 volts rms and the upper 3 db point occurs at approximately 10 MHz. In the Low-Pass mode the Filter is
direct-coupled and the combined ac plus dc input signal should not exceed 4.2 volts peak.

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