Saturday, April 13, 2024



Saturday, March 2, 2024

Mixer Project

Here's a little presentation of my latest project while i wait for the parts forever .I could write this same time next week and i'd still be waiting. This is not a synthesizer project ,but close , maybe somewhat it is . The panel and the enclosure is complete for what i call the Mixer .So this Mixer is intended to be used as an instrument for feedback related music . It's still modular and i added few other circuits to use in the feedback path . First of all it's two mixers in one ,it is just 2 x Buchla 106 but with a twist . I found a EQ inspired by Siemens called SIAM (Siemens Inspired Audio Module) so 4 of the Buchla 106 channels have that included , the other 2 have Buchla 194 on their inputs and all of them with a quiet proper Mute . Separate from that are 2 Aux channels each with control voltage input ,one for each group ,along with that there are 2 x AliExpress DSP Effects you can notice the layout has 4 Groups and 2 Processing panels ,also included are Serge High Gain Amp ,Buchla Preamp and Envelope Follower ,CGS Grinder and something else ,a filter bank from Electronotes that is intended to be triggered with high feedback so it would sound like a Bell ,Bernie talks about it making interesting machine sounds .Wide range Dome Filter is included for experimentation with polyphase oscillators  .In the end of course this Mixer is meant to have a Joystick to pan/fade between 4 Groups . The third and the fourth group don't have mute switches ,instead ..the third group channels can be set with a switch to be part of Group 3 or Group 1 ,2 and so on . The fourth group has the same inputs as the second group but with it's own Volume controls . Optical Compressor and Limiter Saturator are included in this project and only one Sound Generator and that is MFOS Noise Cornocupia .I still have a bunch of PCB's leftover so i might build another Synthesizer but now i really can't wait to play this .This would cost me more then a proper Soundcraft Mixer .I mean to combine it with another little panel containing a Freq Shifter ,Filter Bank and two MOTM Yamaha GX Filters.

Panel for the Mixer includes two Monitors for the two 106 Buchla Mixers

Bellow are the PCB's for 6 channles of Mute and one of the SIAM Siemens inspired equalizers


the Siam EQ

The enclosure is custom made wooden enclosure with 8cm depth ,panel is black and cream color ,jacks used are standard 6.3mm except for the cv inputs in the Send/Return channel

Bellow is the Buchla 106 PCB

Feedback is Topic in the whole set up and all the modules are related to it , even Ian Fritz's 6 Phase VCO is an oscillator that is based on feedback , the CGS Grinder uses feedback and the even the larger Filter Bank from Osamu Hoshuyama has it's own non-linear feedback path .Idea was to see how far can you can go with this theme musically while building yourself , i did not wanted a matrix mixer for some reason and this is the result i got so far.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Synthesizer Secrets

I made a new Blog Page ,is this end of life for this one . Over the years i made more then few PCB layouts ,and many of them were built ,tested ,modified ,so it kind of itches to place them in one directory ,like a schematics vault ,or a modular synthesizer ,so i found a layout that is working good for this purpose ,this documentation is free to download along with gerber files . Music and pretty pictures are not hosted here but i hope the list of modules will grow as i need to revisit some of the earlier layouts i made . Most people will just go and buy the kit and this is if you think you might save a few bucks . Here's the link :

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

voltage scrambler

 This is not an attempt to design a module ..still the ideal diode tutorial from Jim Patchel inspired me for this module ,i was gonna make a panel that featured few of the examples he gives in the tutorial ,and so i even draw this schematic combining 3 simple modules . As in the basic ideal circuit from Patchel's site this module has one input and one break cv input .At the outputs you get 2 different voltages derived from the input voltage and the break voltage input ,these are later fed into 2 voltage controlled glide modules originally designed by Serge ,as these fit very well as submodules cause of their simplicity ,and finally the slewed voltages coming out of the glide submodules are mixed with single cv processor also originally designed by Serge . I find it interesting cause the two upper and lower parts can be inverted with the processor . I am not sure if this would make sense in a modular ,as i have not built it yet ,however i have built a waveshaper based on the ideal diode circuit and that is working fine .

pcb layout for this module ,made to fit 2 x LCR Vactrols

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

These were recorded with a homemade modular synthesizer


These were recorded with a homemade modular synthesizer



These are variations on same patch i recorded during 3 days in 
July-August 2020 using my homemade Sergesque modular .

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Подмолен Пуфеж


I had already made many Reason documents ,main theme in all these documents was feedback ,we played these documents with Zvucicach some afternoon in Skopje .These are excerpts from that session .


released May 6, 2008

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Политикин Заебник

извор :

petarпре 8 сати
Pa oni kao nacija i nepostoje, svi su srbi koje su bugari pretvarali u " Makedonce" siptari ce da ih progutaju.

Субота, 26.08.2023. у 19:20

Знатижељанпре 13 дана
Вардарски Бугари (такозвани Македонци) су спремни да поклоне Албанцима пола такозване Северне Македоније.
Понедељак, 14.08.2023. у 14:27

Ne kontamпре 15 дана
Oni su anticki Makedonci da bi se sekirali za ovo.
Петак, 11.08.2023. у 17:41

Перагенијепре месец дана
Једино изворног народа - Срба - нема.
Уторак, 18.07.2023. у 18:03

Mr Dragan Dпре 4 месеца
Do juče su im vrhunski dometi bile semenke, lebleblije i oriz a sada su "punoprvna članica NATO" a oni drugi "svetionik demokratije". Jad i beda današnjice!
Среда, 26.04.2023. у 12:16

Mustafa Agaпре 5 месеци
Pa zar nisu Makedonci i Bugari jedna dusha a dva tela...

Markoпре 5 месеци
Jos nije kazno da priznaju da naciju su dobili od Tita

Четвртак, 06.04.2023. у 15:07

Aleksandarпре 7 месеци
Deo srpskog naroda koji je najviše nastradao. Nažalost ne osjećaju se baš Srbima, mi smo ih pustili niz vodu nakon njihove lične odluke da tako i urade. Plodove će dugo ubirati, a i mi sa njima.

Бинсрпре 7 месеци
Довољно је рећи Бугари..

Vladimirпре 7 месеци
Makedonci su najizlozeniji deo srpskog naroda prema susednim narodima, i nazalost nismo imali dovoljno vremena i prilike da ih sacuvamo jer ni sami nismo imali drzavu, pa su se otudjili

Војинпре један дан
Скопље је престони град Цара Душана, дакле наша прва престоница а престонице се граде међу својим народом. Када тај народ не мисли о томе почиње да губи своју слободу - што се данас дешава "Македонцима".

Баш-Челикпре 14 дана
Нису хтели да се сете да су Срби. Сад ће морати да науче да су Албанци, или ће преклињати да помогнемо да се решимо заједничког проблема.

Уз дужно поштовањепре 7 сати
,,Независност"је чудо.Независан си да донесеш одлуку о одласку и препуштању Вардарске Македоније великој Албанији...

Бранислав Станојловићпре 4 сата
Македонци нам нису браћа пошто су Грци! Можда мислиш на јужну Србију?

Галилео Галилеипре 16 сати
Srbi su im napravili državu, pa se zahvaljuju sarađujući sa kviislinzima u Prištini.

ZLATKO S Pпре 3 сата
Predaće On i njegovi , i samu državu ,kako je došla tako ce i otici ! Lako im je došla i još lakše će im otići
Ivan Ivanovicпре 35 минута
Makedonci su Srbi ciju je naciju stvorio Broz u SFRJ. Sve ostalo je zamajavanje i gubljenje vremena.

Μακεδονία - Χαλκιδικήпре 3 сата
Македонци нама Србима свакако јесу блиски, и то прави Македонци из провинције која се зове Македонија (Μακεδονία) са седиштем у Солуну. А Бугари из БЈРМ (Брозова Југословенска Република Македонија) су нама Србима непријатељи, и то су одувек били. Чак и за време СФРЈ су све време радили са усташама из данашње НДХ против Србије. Разумем председника Вучића који мора да користи дипломатски речник овог типа, али се надам да нико у Србији није луд да тај дипломатски речник озбиљно схвати.

Živa istinaпре 13 сати
Isti smo narod, jer njih su dekretom stvorili komunisti 1945. godine.

Бранислав Станојловићпре 13 сати
Познавао сам лично више њих који су били приморани да промене имена са -вић на -вски и уче вештачки тзв "језик" који су комунисти склепали.