This is yet another untested layout . I made the boards for this and even collected the parts ,but have not completed yet . I found this schematic at Henry's Electronics web page . There is not much information on line other then that sadly as well as no other reported builds . The frequency shifter there contains also a Sine/Cosine VCO and i decided to use another Quadrature VCO for this purpose ,so in that sense this is uncomplete . I made two layouts ,that is for the Dome Filter and the Ring Modulators & Summing Mixer .One of the boards is double layer ,while the Ring Mods board is single layer with a number of jumpers .Normally you would want to match the caps in the Dome filter as closely as you can .This is set up in such way that you would use the +/- 5V from the Ring mod board and connect it to Dome filter board ,other than that both boards are connected normally to +/-15V
links to original project by interesting henry's electronics :