
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Serge Triple Waveshaper

 PCB Layout for Serge Triple Waveshaper ,this is the original Serge PCB that was hosted at old CGS Website ,i redraw it and built already two of these ,the only flaw is that it's bit quiet ,so i've added a Serge schematic of High Gain Amp and it suits perfect 

Thursday, December 24, 2020


Sunday, December 13, 2020


Trying out Double-Sided Boards ,for test ,completely unnecessary - Electronotes VCA based on the design by Dave Rossum of EMU  

Friday, December 11, 2020

Jurgen Haible - Morphing Programmer

 Jurgen Haible's Morphing Programmer ,it appears to be very cool module ,and not so many people have built it ,but the idea is more then something between panner and scanner ..and it prolly is fun to play ,i have not built this so i can not confirm it's operation , however i assumed that Jurgen's drawing is correct ,here's a pcb layout if anyone wants to give it a try ,the wiring for this would be a nightmare for some ,i re-checked the layout few times and it appears to be the Jurgen's drawings ,the pcb is big 175x105mm but maybe it will fit in 5U or as standalone controller ,i intended to make a standalone controller with it ,and this fits exactly in the enclosure i intended .




Positive Slew (PCB Layout)


PCB layout for Positive Slew in case anyone
wants to build the Serge Positive Slew ,to mention it's only single Positive slew ,and not dual like in original Serge ,however it's easy to make as the board is big and suitable for beginners ,not dense as in the CGS boards which i also have redrawn for this module,the board is 100x100mm ,tested and workin ,few values of resistors are not labeled but very easy to find looking at the positive slew schematic ..the resistor connected to out and pin 8 of the lower LM3900 is 820K and the resistor from neg (negative pulse out) and pin 9 is 220R  ,between base of the transistor and out is 4k7,Good luck !







Noisy recording from year ago


Friday, November 6, 2020

 Here is full scale of  the Filter Bank from Osamu Hoshuyama in case anyone wants to build it .


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Monday, September 21, 2020

Bastle Kastl in 4U

 PCB layout for Bastl Kastle in 4U ,this includes additional 5.1V Zenner diodes for protection on each CV input ,the Panel is something i came accross at ModularGrid


Friday, August 28, 2020

Urei 555

Urei 533

not so hard to diy ,graphic eq from Urei

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Slightly remixed

free to download at bandcamp :

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

"Carillon" Bell 
                by Bernie Hutchins

the minute i saw the Cross product module in Electronotes i knew how it might sound from other clock dividers i built earlier ,and then i thought this would be very nice if those outputs from the 7408 are Sinewaves ,nice ..very nice ,sinewaves i looked for a squaare to sinewave converter and i did found some at electro-music ...but no .. this is not gonna work as i imagine it ...

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Current state of my DIY Synthesizer ,few more modules to add if i don't start another row. Between the pic and now i added one Serge Negative Slew and i replaced a VCA with a better one 3046 based from Electronotes ,the Echo on top of the Synth is Peavey DE700 ,i thought it was broken but it turns out it's working fine.

Friday, August 7, 2020

This Iron tip should have been replaced 3 pcb's ago,it's when you get carried away and stuff doesn't work anymore

One more panel i'll never build most likely , inspired by Modern Implement Company page at the old Grant Richter's website ,this is 12 modules cramped together on a small panel ,4 x S&H's ,Slope detector ,CV Processor ,Noise and Random Gates ,2 x Compaarators ,2 x Gated Slews ..since it's 4 x S&H's the idea was to use Osamu Hoshuyama's Toy Sample and Holds using CD4007UB

Friday, July 31, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Bi-N-Tic (PCB Layout)

Bi-N-Tic PCB layout from CGS site ,tested and working ,can't recall what FET i used ,maybe it was J201 ,Bi-N-Tic is a CMOS VCF that was featured in Electronotes ,original design by Jan Hall.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Paper on Chaos i found ages ago ,this one uses 3 x AD633


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Captured in VAZ Modular


Thursday, March 12, 2020

Најадеме се ,напиме се ,нашетаме се


Monday, March 9, 2020

Recorded in Reason this rainy morning .

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Impro on computer ,in an old version Reason ,from 15 years ago ,with Shundimitar

Friday, February 28, 2020 (Some of what you built 2007-2009)

Few years ago when had lot more active - DIY  Hardware and Software Subforum ,one of the most popular post was - show and tell what you built this year ,these images are Synthesizers and modules folks from E-M built over the years ,i couldn't keep up with names so i only recognize few .For some it maybe was the only effort they had in soldering while others are unique custom designs and builds ,designs one can't find anywhere else.This is lot more then gear pr0n ,all these machines are very personal .

( what you built this year - 2007)

( what you built this year 2008)