
Sunday, December 29, 2019

General Radio 1381 Noise Generator

General Radio 1381 Noise Generator

General Radio 1000-P7

This appears to be very interesting schematic ,i'm not sure what year is it ,can't bother to look now  .General Radio type 1000-P7 Balanced Modulator ,the full service manual is available online along with few Generators and similar test equipment built by this company .



Saturday, December 28, 2019

Bruel Kjaer 1612 schematic

These filters are popular i guess , i know very little about these and it seems all the service manuals from this company are just business to few keeping it away from public ,it's nice to see inductors in a filter tho i never used them ,people say they make lot of color ,if anyone has info on filters from this company feel free to share it if you will ,it would be something to clone these ,even not vcf

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Homemade Synthesizer Recordings

i recorded a bit this last month or so ,i know people collect their recordings over longer period of time and then select the best ,but sometimes i don't play much at all ,i like to make a module and enjoy those first hours playing it ,expecting new sounds .you can download these in waves's just my homemade synthesizer ,mostly serge modules but not limited to ,this time i just enjoyed whatever there is available in the system ,the old Serge R6 VCO's are dominant in the recordings along with NLC Neuron ,111 Buchla Ring Mod and VEWA Vocal Filter from Electronotes .

Friday, November 29, 2019

an excellent dynamic compressor

an article from the italian Onda Quatra Magazine for a Fet Compressor ,from 10.1978 ,in the article there is also a pcb layout for the compressor .



Thursday, November 28, 2019

The current state of my Synth .

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Saturday, November 2, 2019

this is not much of a review and more of an appreciation of great piece of software and really amazing effort done by Blue Hell @ .
WREN is a wall size modular ,with stuff you can't find in the world of hardware ,i believe it's almost entirely programmed by Blue Hell ,over many years ,and it's free .it has over 250 modules to choose from ,installation in windows is very simple ,it default resolution is 88kHz but you can change that to your taste ,it supports midi so you can plug in your controllers and also it's mentioned that it works with Jack for Linux.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Part of my new panel ,i think this will be the last part of the synth i'll be making for myself as i think 5 x 17 inch panels are enough for playing around and making some atmospheres or effects ,patterns ..this is mostly Electronotes panel and i hope i'll make it right ,i am big fan od electronotes ,it is what today are forums like electro-music or muffwiggler ,only better ..for some folks .Just finished the Vewa filters and Option 4 VCO , i hope the rest of the build will go smooth as these ,can't wait to play with the high ripple filter and the additional phases available at the PCB version of the 4 Pole Filter Network .

Friday, October 25, 2019

here's another demo . i just finished this vco from Mordent Design which is actually Electronotes VCO from issue #75 i believe ,it's a thru zero VCO ,the newer Electronotes Zero VCO might behave smoother when crossing zero , but anyway i like this older version a lot too ,here's a short recording of it making vowel like sounds ,this part might not be thru zero i didn't checked on scope .

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Another PCB Layout for 4U format ,this is Analog Neuron from NLC ,and CV Twister from Grant Richter .

low pass gate env follower

I noticed i post so many Soundcloud links and very few PCB Layouts ,and even less new Schematics ,so here's a PCB layout for Low Pass Gate and Envelope Follower with Preamp ,adaptation from Buchla Schematics by Non Linear Citsircu  schematics are available on line .PCB Layout is tested and working .

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Playing around in Front Panel Express and Gimp .

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sequence by Toshiyuki Hiraoka

Serge-esque Panel in a Hammond enclosure built for a friend in Japan .This one has the following modules : 2 x R6 VCO's ,'73 VCF by Serge ,Sample and Hold ,Serge VC Glide ,Noise (white &low freq) ,DUSG ,NLC Difference Rectifier ,4 Step programmer Sequencer ,Stereo Mixer

Monday, June 10, 2019

Descrete Mixer/Amplifier with Tone controls ,shared in magazine - Радио Телевизија Електроника 1974.

DNL (Dynamic Noise Reduction) by Philips ,meant as a cheaper alternative to Dolby .

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

part of the new case i'm still working on , modules : Serge gamalan VCO's ,Serge Wavemultiplier (middle section) ,Polivoks VCF ,Yamaha GX Resonator ,Serge Phaser ,Morphlag ,3 Channel Mixer . the case is 2 x 17 inch panels .

part of my first 4U case , modules : 2 x Serge vcs , Serge extended adsr ,Buchla 111 ,Grant Richter Hardware Neurons ,Serge Smooth and Stepped gen.

Monday, May 13, 2019

NLC Jerk together with Buchla Fluctating Random Voltages on panel with additional Noise Source .

Sunday, April 7, 2019

6 Stage Programmer from Synapse Magazine by Serge with additional 1 or 2 octave switch on two rows .Sidenote that the panels were printed poorly as all i wanted was to plug in stuff at the time.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Synthesizer DIY

simple pattern with Quantized Random Voltages from Buchla < Improvised 4 step seq . MFOS VCO's ,Serge Waveshaper ,Double Pulse by Ian Fritz ,VC Echo ,SSG Stepped Input in Sequencer Hold input

Monday, March 18, 2019

Double Pulse waveform generator

the Waveforms from Double Pulse Waveform Gen from Ian Fritz ,after a while i realized that my MFOS VCO's don't have a clean tri and there is a glitch in the rising part of the triangle )

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Few modules in the new case : Dual MFOS VCA ,Serge Sequential Pulse ,Neuron+Comparator ,VC Echo ,3 channel Mixer with attenuated output ,these are poorly printed panels as i was in a rush to plug in the modules :-)

Thursday, February 28, 2019

a new case ,almost all DIY ,and white ,with distro boards on each side ,big heatsinks ,and only one pair of rails

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Homemade Serge - 17 feb

My Homemade Serge - esque system going thru Cuvave DIG-REVERB

Friday, February 15, 2019

Here is another 17'' Panel for a classic Serge ,this one has room for PSU switch on the side as i planned to have the PSU inside a case.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Homemade Serge - feb 2019

VCS acting on LPF output from Serge '73VCF ,random decay on Extended ADSR

Friday, February 8, 2019

This is another project i couldn't aford to finish - a classic Serge .Here is collected from the webs various paperface panels into 17 inch .