
Sunday, August 26, 2018

These few tracks are destroyed samples and audio recordings from inside various Textile factories in Stip (Macedonia)

to download :

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

VC Aux by Marc BAREILLE pcb layout  

this is one way to connect 'outside' gear with the modular, i made 
one of these few years ago and now i plan to make another for my synth ,but the layout was not that good cause of many jumpers so i remade the old layout and here it is ,it still has lot of jumpers ,this circuit works very well what it's suppose to ,that is how i remember it


Panel Designs for Serge modules in eurorack , i moved to 4U before i finished these ,one of the panels is VCQ + Wavemultipliers middle and bottom ,the other Negative and Positive Slew - one each plus '73 Envelope generator

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Serge Wavemultiplier Bottom Section - in Eurorack (2015)

#Electronotes Variable Slope Filter by Bernie Hutchins