
Friday, December 21, 2018

Patch with Experimental Hardware Neurons module that drives a minimal system .

Sunday, December 16, 2018

This is another beginner's circuit ,and one of the first i got working ,and is really simple and working fine for a total of 10 parts count ,so here it is a toy sample and hold by Osamu Hoshuyama ,the pcb is 60x60 mm and not tested yet

Saturday, December 15, 2018

EFM Wildcat LFO ,this was the first module i ever got working ,so i just made a PCB for it ,it's 60x60 mm and it's really low-parts count so it's good for beginners ,and one more lfo is always welcome .The 14 pin chip is TL074.


Sunday, December 9, 2018

I finished this case , finally!!! It took me so much time ,and now to show off :)
the case has these modules : 
111 Buchla Ring Mod x 2 
Serge Botom Wavemultiplier x 1 
NLC B0ngo x 2 
Serge '73 VCF x 1 
Hip Bass Drum x 1 
CGS CV Processor / Mixer 
Serge VCS x 2 
Serge Extended ADSR x 1 
NLC Difference Rectifier x 1 
Grant Richter's Experimental HArdware Neurons 
Serge SSG 
CGS Slope Detector 
Buchla QRV 
Osamu Hushuyama Passive Tone control 

the inside is messy ,this one is not for photo

Friday, December 7, 2018

PAIA 2720-3B VC Bandpass Filter adaptation by gasboss775 as posted earlier on electro-music ,PCB is 70x100mm 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

NLC Bong0 and two Stombox adapters from CGS on a stripboard ,i didn't liked as much the 808 Tom i built ,so this will replace it

Monday, November 5, 2018

Blog Post day ! , i just drew a PCB Layout for the Frequency Divider By Roman Sowa ,the layout is 8x8 cm and not tested yet

Sunday, August 26, 2018

These few tracks are destroyed samples and audio recordings from inside various Textile factories in Stip (Macedonia)

to download :

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

VC Aux by Marc BAREILLE pcb layout  

this is one way to connect 'outside' gear with the modular, i made 
one of these few years ago and now i plan to make another for my synth ,but the layout was not that good cause of many jumpers so i remade the old layout and here it is ,it still has lot of jumpers ,this circuit works very well what it's suppose to ,that is how i remember it


Panel Designs for Serge modules in eurorack , i moved to 4U before i finished these ,one of the panels is VCQ + Wavemultipliers middle and bottom ,the other Negative and Positive Slew - one each plus '73 Envelope generator

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Serge Wavemultiplier Bottom Section - in Eurorack (2015)

#Electronotes Variable Slope Filter by Bernie Hutchins

Thursday, July 19, 2018

almost finished this box and as i'm very slow and lazy to update this blog often here's a few pics of the panels i finished ,need to add one more VCFQ and 808 Hihats