
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Moog Source VC-LFO , schematics and PCB Layout  in 300dpi

Korg MS20 VCF as in Electronics or Music Clone schematics available here , this is single VCF version , IC's are LM13700  , PCB layout is 300dpi 

Serge ' 73 VCF , suitable for eurorack format , PCB is tested and working with single cv input , so simply don't install the bottom IC and you got a working '73VCF as it was meant with single input , low freq option is added (edit: this is not all that great layout ,i can suggest you to use the original serge '73 vcf layout ,the only difference is it uses CA3080 )


Aries AR-314 VCF , schematics here  , PCB layout is still untested

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Befaco VC Slew Limiter , schematics is here ,opamp is TL074,  PCB untested is 300dpi  (edit - this is a tested working layout , bit much slew on 15V PSU , potentiometers are 100K )

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Envelope Follower and preamp from the book Nouva Generation de Musicales Istrumentos electronikos , PCB layout is 300dpi not tested

Saturday, December 5, 2015

EM&M Harmony Generator redrawn layout , print is in 300dpi 

Dome Filter designed by Osamu Hoshuyama , i assume there can be a pot to get a 3rd phase , PNP layout is 300dpi not tested 

Fixed Filter Bank Based on design by Juan Bermudez's Nueva generación de instrumentos musicales electrónicos , i added 4 more bands following the capacitor table , high q settings on the resistors , individual outs , PCB is 160x100 mm 300dpi

Xfade Dual Crossfader based on Buchla circuit , PNP layout is in 300dpi  , more about the circuit here : matched transistors are BCM847 (edit: this is a working circuit ,however you need to add 68K or similar at the audio inputs to fix the gain problem)

Roland System 700 Analog Switch, here is schematics  , without the manual push button ,only 3 inputs i needed for my synth, pcb is still untested the single op-amp is TL071  , it's 300dpi ready for PNP

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Save File II : Serge VCO (Retro) , Serge R-Series Envelope ,Buchla 291 BPF , Yamaha GX VCF ,Xfade x 2 , Clock Divider , Experimental Hardware Neurons G.R. ,Dome Filter O.H. , EMS Ring Modulators , Monotron Drums ,Hip Bass Drum C.A. ,DC and Audio Mixer ,18 Band Fixed Filter Bank J.B. ,Noise Gate J.H. ,Roland Analog Switch