
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Moog Source VC-LFO , schematics and PCB Layout  in 300dpi

Korg MS20 VCF as in Electronics or Music Clone schematics available here , this is single VCF version , IC's are LM13700  , PCB layout is 300dpi 

Serge ' 73 VCF , suitable for eurorack format , PCB is tested and working with single cv input , so simply don't install the bottom IC and you got a working '73VCF as it was meant with single input , low freq option is added (edit: this is not all that great layout ,i can suggest you to use the original serge '73 vcf layout ,the only difference is it uses CA3080 )


Aries AR-314 VCF , schematics here  , PCB layout is still untested

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Befaco VC Slew Limiter , schematics is here ,opamp is TL074,  PCB untested is 300dpi  (edit - this is a tested working layout , bit much slew on 15V PSU , potentiometers are 100K )

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Envelope Follower and preamp from the book Nouva Generation de Musicales Istrumentos electronikos , PCB layout is 300dpi not tested

Saturday, December 5, 2015

EM&M Harmony Generator redrawn layout , print is in 300dpi 

Dome Filter designed by Osamu Hoshuyama , i assume there can be a pot to get a 3rd phase , PNP layout is 300dpi not tested 

Fixed Filter Bank Based on design by Juan Bermudez's Nueva generación de instrumentos musicales electrónicos , i added 4 more bands following the capacitor table , high q settings on the resistors , individual outs , PCB is 160x100 mm 300dpi

Xfade Dual Crossfader based on Buchla circuit , PNP layout is in 300dpi  , more about the circuit here : matched transistors are BCM847 (edit: this is a working circuit ,however you need to add 68K or similar at the audio inputs to fix the gain problem)

Roland System 700 Analog Switch, here is schematics  , without the manual push button ,only 3 inputs i needed for my synth, pcb is still untested the single op-amp is TL071  , it's 300dpi ready for PNP

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Save File II : Serge VCO (Retro) , Serge R-Series Envelope ,Buchla 291 BPF , Yamaha GX VCF ,Xfade x 2 , Clock Divider , Experimental Hardware Neurons G.R. ,Dome Filter O.H. , EMS Ring Modulators , Monotron Drums ,Hip Bass Drum C.A. ,DC and Audio Mixer ,18 Band Fixed Filter Bank J.B. ,Noise Gate J.H. ,Roland Analog Switch

Sunday, November 22, 2015

R Series Serge - Envelope Generator ,before it cycles

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Serge VCS in Eurorack

Monday, November 2, 2015

Buchla 192 Dual VCF / DC Mixer-Processor / CV Twister - Eurorack format 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Friday, August 14, 2015

Serge VCFQ and Waveshapers eurorack panel

Multi Phase Waveform Animator circuit from #87, by Bernie Hutchins , original layout by Scott Bernardi ,i just draw over it , there was mistake in original layout with power lines as it's described here , there are four jumpers on the print png instead , print image should be 300 dpi , you might need to rescale it 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

my 'save file' . loading with pcb's .

Friday, May 1, 2015

Dual VCO and dual Waveshaper Combo - Eurorack

Monday, April 13, 2015

Serge '73 VCF in Eurorack format  ,demo here :

Sunday, March 1, 2015

synthesizers . re-new synthacks mini-modular
- Moog Parametric Eq
- Polivoks VCF
- Serge Negative Slew
- Serge VCS
- Buchla Music Easel Random
- Yusynth Quadrature VC-LFO
- CGS Grinder
- NLC Analog Neuron
- Clock Divider
- H. Bissel Morphlag
- E4M Xmix
- NLC Difference Rectifier
- NLC Single Jerk Chaos
- Yusynth Noise

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

redrawn layout for Electronotes 87 ,Waveform Modulator by Bernie Hutchins ,original layout by Scott Bernardi ,this one is tested and working ,